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Challenge dates: March 4 - March 31 (4 weeks)
Challenge goal: Accumulate a total of 616 points by tracking your steps, sleep, and nutrition each day. 
This is an individual challenge


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If you didn’t participate in our last challenge, download the Walker Tracker mobile app (iOS or Google Play) or go to and click “sign up today”.

Healthy Habits 
Wellness Challenge

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Congratulations to all participants of our challenge! 


Over the last 4 weeks, you were encouraged to focus on your sleep, nutrition, and activity habits, identifying small changes for improved wellbeing. We hope you found this challenge helpful and made strides towards a healthy, happier you.


Winners Announced!


Congratulations to Gerald Obakhume from Ireland! You are our grand prize winner and have won a $300 gift card!



But that’s not all. All participants who earned 616 points during the challenge were entered for a chance to win a $100 gift card. Our winners are...
Elizabeth Reddemann, Farhat Afroz, Esther Maher, Frederic Kuentz, Alessandro Colella, Natalie Meyer, Christophe Manicom, Melissa Kamrowski, Caroline Crowley and Justin Perttunen! 

In addition, everyone who walked 7,000 steps at least 5 of 7 days during the final week were entered to win a $50 gift card. Our winners are... 
Sriram Aiyyer, Vamshikrishna Avuthu, Isabella Casagrande, Crystal Ford, Michael Kloehn, Pujan Patel, Isis Pede, Jeanette DeWitt, Stephanie Maziere & Zuzanna Wejs! 

Congratulations everyone and we hope you enjoyed this challenge. 


​If you have issues syncing your device or if you have any other questions,

click the button in the lower right hand corner of your dashboard or submit a ticket directly to

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