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Find a doctor

Follow the steps below to find an in-network provider - it can save you money and get the care that is right for you and your family:

Woman & Doctor

If you have the BRMS/Anthem Blue Cross plan...

BRMS is contracted with Anthem Blue Cross as it’s core provider network because of this contract you are saving out-of-pocket expenses when you use in-network providers. Anthem represents the largest National network of providers with deep discounts and a growing network of
healthcare providers who make it easier for members to receive quality care.

To find doctors and locations, go to and navigate to:

Find Care -> Basic search as a guest -> Select Medical plan -> California -> Medical (Employer-Sponsored) -> Prudent Buyer PPO/EPO Network.

If you get care from Kaiser... 

Kaiser is a Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) which means that the services are provided through its own network of doctors, hospitals and other Kaiser-affiliated health care facilities. 


Once enrolled, you will select a Primary Care Physician (PCP) to manage your care within Kaiser’s network and to refer you to specialists.

To find doctors and locations, view upcoming appointments, message your doctor’s office with non-urgent questions, download the Kaiser app at or go to

If you get care from Dean Health Plan... 

With Dean Health Plan, you must obtain all care from in-network providers, including doctor visits, lab work, surgeries, hospital visits and pharmacy.


Dean Health Plan requires you to select a Primary Care Physician (PCP) to manage your care within the network and to refer you to specialists. 

To find doctors and locations, call 800-279-1301 or visit

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